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An Executive Team at your side

Business Development, Operations Setup and Expansion, Strategy Advisory,
M&A Due Diligence, Technical Expertise, 
Management of Large Projects,
Support for International Tenders.

Our Domains of Expertise

Identity & Value Documents Protection



Traceability & Digital Authentication

Are you a Governmental Entity?

You are considering to:
issue a new Identity or value document,
issue a Tax Stamp program,
issue Digital credentials,
set up a Personalization Center,
set up a Printing House.

Are you a Central Bank?

You are in the process of:
issuing a new Banknote Series or
Commemorative Note,
Issuing a Digital Currency,
setting up a Currency Printing House.

Are you a Security Printing House?

Your plan is to:
Modernize your plant,
set up a new Printing Plant,
issue new Identity or Value documents,
deploy a Tax Stamps program,
issue Digital Credentials

Are you a Solution provider?

Your aim is to:
grow your activities Faster,
define a global Strategy (Industrial, Commercial, etc.),
find new Business avenues, raise Funding,
identify M&A opportunities

Are you a Financial Investor?

You are looking to invest in the Security Domain and need specific expertise (Strategic, Market, Technical) in that field

Are you a Brand Owner?

Your Brand reputation is the most valuable asset and you are looking to protect it by:
allowing a robust authentication of your products,
achieving transparency across your supply chain,
engaging with your customers,
detecting frauds online and offline,
defining a comprehensive Brand Protection program

We are an independent company and we commit our time, energy and knowledge to our clients.

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